Pesho Ivanov

postdoc at Penn State  ‹  phd from ETH Zurich  ‹  Google  ‹  competitive programming


Penn State University, Pennsylvania

Grew up with informatics olympiads, studied applied math, started as a programmer. Introduced practical A* for optimal sequence alignment for my PhD in computational biology. To reprogram living cells, we need better science and better compbio infrastructure. I enjoy teaching algorithms and develop stuff together.

selected publications

  1. thesis.jpg
    Optimal Sequence Alignment using A*
    Petar Ivanov
    ETH Zurich, 2023
  2. evolution.png
    Exact global alignment using A* with seed heuristic and match pruning
    Ragnar Groot Koerkamp, and Pesho Ivanov
    Oxford Bioinformatics, 2024
  3. seed_heuristic.png
    Fast and Optimal Sequence-to-Graph Alignment Guided by Seeds
    Pesho Ivanov, Benjamin Bichsel, and Martin Vechev
    In RECOMB, 2022
  4. tree.svg
    AStarix: Fast and Optimal Sequence-to-Graph Alignment
    Pesho Ivanov, Benjamin Bichsel, Harun Mustafa, André Kahles, Gunnar Rätsch, and Martin Vechev
    In RECOMB, 2020